Build – and Multiply – Character in Next-Generation Leaders
Eight Attributes + Inspired Film Episodes + Online Curriculum
Set in stunning locations and packed with wise mentorship moments, Reloading Our Heritage sets a new path. Featuring the journey of Ms. Carly Wandtke, each cinematic installment pulls other young women and men forward into a future filled with promise. And leadership.
Underpinned by the guidance of hosts Rob Keck and Dan Harrison, technology is set aside for a bigger view of the world. Punctuated by confidence-building lessons, Carly’s transformation into a competent huntress reveals bigger, teachable truths. Beyond screens and social media.
That character counts. Mentors matter. And next-generation leaders are ready to be revealed.
Curriculum means multiplication – and room for all
In tandem with filmed installments, eight 90-120-minute teaching modules each capture significant attributes. Together, they spell the word HERITAGE, acknowledging the legacy of outdoor adventure and pursuits at the core of the country’s history.
H: HONOR traditions with gratitude
E: EMBRACE wild places without fear
R: RESPECT nature’s cycles and lessons
I: IMPROVE the environment daily
T: TRUST myself to learn and lead
A: APPRECIATE mentors and peers
G: GIVE back to others generously
E: ENSURE the future is secure
These online and classroom modules include a wide range of experiential learning options for individual, group, home, urban, and outdoor settings: Plans extend to HERITAGE certification for instructors and camp counselors who embrace the “Build and Multiply” mission.
Activate and accelerate as a partner starting now
All is ready to produce, package, and distribute the Reloading Our Heritage initiative; including an entire series of filmed documentary episodes plus eight instructional modules. But fully implementing relies upon important partnerships:
-Government and association endorsements and funding to broaden the network
-Foundation commitments to support and extend HERITAGE educational outreach
-Corporate collaboration to multiply efforts over time and geography
The Reloading Our Heritage team carries the outdoor credentials, media credibility, and mentorship experience to make it all work. A talented team of cinematographers, producers, and educators turn extraordinary human encounters into motivating young Americans to live to their potential.